+44 (0)7967 326967
Clare Gibson @ TW1
Clare is an independent Physiotherapist who was with us at the inception of TW1 Physiotherapy. She now practises form her own premises.
Please contact directly on 07909 517144 or email her: claregibson@tw1physiotherapy.com
Become A Partner
At TW1 Physiotherapy we are keen to develop a close working relationship with health care and fitness professionals to optimise health and well being of clients. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of care and the foremost expertise in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal injuries available.
Furthermore, as specialist clinical educators involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education at Universities, conferences and seminars, we are always keen to hear from and work with individuals or organisations for the provision of short courses or support for programmes or clinical research opportunities.
If you are interested in becoming part of our expanding field of partners and contacts please email us, providing us with your contact details, location, specialism and email/web address.